Sino-Europa Resources Forum (SEARF) is a non-profit organization for sharing knowledge and
facilitating communication and collaboration on addressing resource and environmental challenges in China, Europe, and beyond. SEARF was initiated jointly by a group of scholars in China and Europe
in 2017. It aims to provide a lively platform across disciplines (e.g., engineering, economics, geography, and management), regions (e.g., China and Europe), and stakeholder groups (e.g., academia,
industry, and policymakers) to help resolve resource and environmental issues of China and the world.
The inaugural Sino-Europa Resources Forum was held in Odense, Denmark, in September 2017. The 2018 Forum will be held in Heidelberg, Germany, on 9-10 August, 2018.
The Forum is organized by SEARF and China Society of Natural Resources, and hosted by German-Chinese Academic Center. The forum will include invited keynote talks, thematic presentations, and group
Forum theme and topics for abstracts
The theme of the 2018 Sino-Europa Resources Forum is “Resource Science and Technology Innovation and 2030 Sustainable Development Goals”. We invite abstracts including, but not limited to, the
following topics:
1. Resource Exploitation and Utilization
2. Resource Efficiency and Decoupling
3. Resource and Waste Management
4. Resource Economy and Policy
5. Resource Engineering and Technology
6. Environmental Impacts of Resource Utilization
7. Resource Flows and Socioeconomic Metabolism
8. Sino-Europa Collaboration on Resource Sciences
9. Resource Sustainability and UN 2030 SDGs
Please submit an abstract no more than 200 words (including title, author, affiliation, and contact information) to before May 15, 2018. We will inform you the results and forum agenda through email by May 30, 2018.
Important dates and contact information
May 15, 2018: Deadline for abstracts submission (extended to May 31, 2018)
May 30, 2018: Notification of acceptance (extended to June 15, 2018)
June 15, 2018: Deadline for registration (extended to June 30, 2018)
Contact: (Mr. Bin Guo and Ms. Wu Chen)
Participation of SEARF2018 is free of charge; you only need to cover your own travel and accommodation